👋 Welcome to Band! ¡Bienvenido a Banda! 👋
👋 Welcome to Band! ¡Bienvenido a Banda! 👋
📅 Upcoming Dates 📅
📅 Upcoming Dates 📅
TBD - Cookie Dough Pickup @Cobb
TBD - Cookie Dough Pickup @Cobb
- All students who sold cookie dough MUST come pick it up in the cafeteria on the announced date so that it does not expire due to remaining unfrozen.
Monday, December 3 - Blue Band Rehearsal
Monday, December 3 - Blue Band Rehearsal
- 4:30-5:30PM in Cobb Cafeteria
- Students who have targeted tutorials may arrive late at 5:00pm for their required Band Rehearsal
- Snacks and activity buses will be provided as a service for students attending this rehearsal
Tuesday, December 4 - Red Band Rehearsal
Tuesday, December 4 - Red Band Rehearsal
- 4:30-5:30pm in Cobb Cafeteria
- Same information as above - students only have to attend ONE rehearsal. If they are absent due to illness or emergency, they can make up their attendance by attending another's bands.
- They CANNOT change band assignments for the concert. All assignments are set in place and must remain that way, even if a student has to make up a rehearsal attendance.
Thursday, December 5 - Purple Band Rehearsal
Thursday, December 5 - Purple Band Rehearsal
- Same information as above
Wednesday, December 11 - Winter Concert @Cobb Cafeteria
Wednesday, December 11 - Winter Concert @Cobb Cafeteria
- Blue Band performs @6:00pm, Red Band performs at 6:45pm, Purple Band performs @7:30pm
- All families and friends are welcome to attend - admission is FREE!
- Audience members will sit in the Cafeteria area, facing the performers who will sit in the Girls' Gym area.
- Only ONE concert is required of your child. Bands are assigned to split up our large program into 3 equal groups. If you have any questions, please contact a band director. Thank you and we look forward to seeing you there!
📝 The slides below will be presented at our Band Orientation meeting. If you are unable to make it to the meeting, please see the Slides below. Please email or call the directors if you have any questions!
📝 The slides below will be presented at our Band Orientation meeting. If you are unable to make it to the meeting, please see the Slides below. Please email or call the directors if you have any questions!
✅ Yearly Goals/Metas anuales ✅
✅ Yearly Goals/Metas anuales ✅
We are so excited to have your child in our band family. Our goals for this year include:
We are so excited to have your child in our band family. Our goals for this year include:
🎵 Learn how to read notes and rhythms.
🎵 Learn how to read notes and rhythms.
🎵 Learn how to breathe, look, and sound correct while playing a band instrument.
🎵 Learn how to breathe, look, and sound correct while playing a band instrument.
🎵 Learn how to perform music in a fun and memorable way.
🎵 Learn how to perform music in a fun and memorable way.
🎵 Meet expectations by completing assignments, participating, showing respect each other, the directors, and to our classroom space/equipment.
🎵 Meet expectations by completing assignments, participating, showing respect each other, the directors, and to our classroom space/equipment.
🎵 Use the skills learned in band to become excellent citizens and leaders of the community.
🎵 Use the skills learned in band to become excellent citizens and leaders of the community.
Estamos muy emocionados de tener a su hijo en nuestra familia de la banda. Nuestros objetivos para este año incluyen:
Estamos muy emocionados de tener a su hijo en nuestra familia de la banda. Nuestros objetivos para este año incluyen:
🎹 Aprende a leer notas y ritmos.
🎹 Aprende a leer notas y ritmos.
🎹 Aprenda a respirar, verse y sonar correctamente mientras toca un instrumento de banda.
🎹 Aprenda a respirar, verse y sonar correctamente mientras toca un instrumento de banda.
🎹 Aprende a tocar música de una manera divertida y memorable.
🎹 Aprende a tocar música de una manera divertida y memorable.
🎹 Cumplir las expectativas completando tareas, participando, mostrando respeto mutuo, a los directores y al espacio / equipo de nuestra clase.
🎹 Cumplir las expectativas completando tareas, participando, mostrando respeto mutuo, a los directores y al espacio / equipo de nuestra clase.
🎹 Use las habilidades aprendidas en la banda para convertirse en excelentes ciudadanos y líderes de la comunidad.
🎹 Use las habilidades aprendidas en la banda para convertirse en excelentes ciudadanos y líderes de la comunidad.