Staff Resources


On this page staff can find several self-care tools and resources to support mental health wellness throughout these next few weeks. We will be updating it regularly so remember to check back frequently.

Thank you for all that you do!

Self-Care Guide

"Student support professionals are carrying a uniquely difficult burden right now. While contending with your own uncertainty, stress, and worry, you are also tasked with supporting and guiding others through this difficult moment. This resource is for you. The following strategies can help you maintain your strength and resilience in the coming weeks."

self-care-during-covid-19-for-student-support-professionals (1).pdf

How to Talk About Mental Health

Sometimes it can feel difficult or awkward to talk about mental health. Maybe we don't know where to start or who to reach out to. Check out this video to see a step by step guide on how to openly and effectively talk about mental health. It covers everything from who to go to get help to how to best prepare for talking about your mental health with others.

Free Mental Health Webinar for Educators March 11, 2021

Michigan teachers have reported increased stress since the pandemic began. With in-person teaching starting up again, educators and school support staff may benefit from learning to manage anxiety, depression and uncertainty. Join the Michigan Stay Well grant team for a free, 1-hour webinar. You’ll learn self-care tips/coping strategies, how to recognize normal symptoms of emotional distress, and how to access confidential emotional support from trained crisis counselors. Register now at

Headspace App

"Headspace is committed to addressing some of the most pressing needs of educators such as reducing stress, increasing resilience and improving sleep."

This app is free for educators.

Other apps:

Yoga for Teachers

"This 30 min yoga practice is a special sequence for teachers. Thank you for all you do teachers! I believe we are all teachers so this could be a wonderful practice for everyone. This practice is about taking care of you, recharging your batteries, nourishing yourself so you have energy to guide, serve, teach and inspire!"

More yoga videos can be found below:

Journals & Mood Trackers

Journaling how you feel can help you process, manage, and keep track of your feelings. Here are some guided resources to help you start this process.


Mandala: Mood Tracker


Feather: Mood Tracker

TeacherSelfCarePlanner leaf print.pdf

Self Care Planner

SelfCareforTeachersJournal guided writing.pdf

Self-Care Guided Journal

Self Care Tips for Virtual Teaching

Positive Affirmations for teachers.pdf

Positive Affirmations for Teachers

Positive Affirmations can help shift your thinking and provide you with reassurance. Check out this cute affirmations.

Trouble accessing this document? Click here:


Self-Care for Educators Poster

Need a short list of self-care techniques? Here is a poster with several activities for you to try.

Trouble accessing this document? Click here: