Make an Appointment

We provide complimentary evaluation and free initial consultation for certain cases. Make an appointment with our attorneys today.

  • To assist you 24/7, send your immigration interests or questions to You can use the specific form at Contact Us for complimentary evaluation. We will respond to your inquiry usually within one business day.
  • Phone appointment, email us at or call (480) 612-2102 to schedule an appointment with our attorneys. A fee might be required based on the complexity of the case. A client will let us know if he/she would like to schedule a phone appointment with our attorneys in advance.
  • In-person appointment, email us at or call (480) 612-2102 to make an in-person meeting. Reservation is required for in-person meeting and a fee might be required based on the complexity of the case. This is sometimes necessary for certain type of cases to protect the confidential information of our client, and it is desirable for clients who feel more comfortable to sit down and discuss the case face to face with attorneys in an intimate way. Our client will let us know if he/she would like to proceed with in-person meeting in advance.
  • The consultation fees, no matter by phone or in-person is fully credited towards the total cost of attorney fees, if you hire us as your attorney following the consultation. This means, the consultation is completely free if you hire us after the consultation.
  • In this way, we provide higher satisfaction to our clients and help our clients understand the immigration options early on. We encourage our clients to take advantage of the "fees crediting" opportunity before hiring us.

Please leave your name, contact number and briefly state how can we assist you. We will respond to your inquiries shortly.

We look forward to assisting you in your new journey.

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