Math - Fractions

How do we show pieces or parts of things using numbers? Fractions! Here are some of the big ideas students learn.

Big Idea: Fractions can be represented in different ways.

Here are some videos to help students understand representations of fractions.

What is a fraction?.mp4
Representing Fractions.mp4

Using Concrete Examples and Moving to Representations

Fractions are a really hard concept for students. We often underestimate how abstract they are for students. To get them to really understand, it is important we intentionally use concrete examples.

How can we use concrete objects to understand fractions? We can cut "bread!"

For this loaf of "bread," (area model of a fraction) the students had to share it with 8 people. They used a ruler to make sure the cuts were equal. They realized each person would get 1/8 of the bread.

Comparing Fractions 1.mp4

Some Math Talks Involving Fractions: