Additional Resources/ Math Help

Below, you will find some resources for at-home math. Click on pages to take you to the websites.

TVDSB Homework Help/ TVO Mathify: Free online math help

CEMC: This is an EXCELLENT resource for at home remediation.

Knowledgehook: an online interactive gamified learning experience that directly aligns with how we SHOULD be teaching math. It provides students with numerous engaging activities on mathematical strategies and critical thinking skills. These skills align with the strategies we teach in class, much more than the textbook. Although it is not in French, it provides great at home support to reinforce our strategies. I am also able to see answers and tracking sheets, thus better allowing me to help your child. CLASS CODE: owl8528

Netmaths (KH FRANCAIS) Log in :

7e: 7DT9-REDW


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