Bienvenue à Laurier! 

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At Sir Wilfrid Laurier Secondary School, there are over 400 early and extended French Immersion students enrolled in our French Immersion program. 

The overall objective of our four year French Immersion program is to enable students to develop the ability to use the French language with greater fluency, proficiency and accuracy. Our immersion program offers a wide variety of subject courses at all of the grade levels. We encourage our FI students to take as many FI courses as possible offered by the FI program and maximize their exposure to the French language. Our French Immersion students come from the following French Immersion Elementary Schools: Kensal Park, Princess Anne, Princess Elizabeth and other French first-language schools.

Our French language instruction is informed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL) which defines internationally recognized levels of language proficiency. 

We strive to ensure our immersion students are able to ideally attain a B1 to B2 level of language competency upon graduation in Grade 12! 

Our FI Program prepares students for the DELF French proficiency exams administered through the French Ministry of National Education. 

These exams are offered yearly to our Grade 12 immersion students through TVDSB. In May 2024, 87 Grade 12 Laurier French Immersion students passed their DELF examinations. 

Laurier FI students have the opportunity to earn a Sir Wilfrid Laurier French Immersion Certificate or an Ontario French Immersion Certificate upon graduation. 

For students wishing to achieve an advanced level of proficiency and to be successful at the DELF examinations in Grade 12, we strongly recommend the Sir Wilfrid Laurier French Immersion Certificate. 

We offer the Advanced Placement French Language and Culture Exam to our Grade 12 students. 

This exam provides students the opportunity to obtain a university level credit in French.   

We encourage FI students to take advantage of the authentic cultural learning experiences in French available to them at Laurier!

Experiences include: France Excursion, International Student Exchanges, Quebec Summer Work programs, Explore Summer School Program, the French Club, and of course, our trips to France and St. Donat, Quebec!