Adaptive PE


We have had the privilege at Freeman to offer an Adaptive PE/Gross Motor group twice a week for our Preschoolers and Special Education students. Class has been led by PT/OT along with our PS/SPED teachers and paras. This has given us an opportunity to focus on gross motor skills with lots of hands on assistance and support for students. The goal of this class has been to work on skills that will help your students be more successful in their General Ed PE classes. We have worked closely with our amazing PE teachers to coordinate this effort. Also, YES! Parachute day is still the best day in PE.

Below is a sample schedule of what we have been following for our group this year. Feel free to use as a reference, if you choose.

Sample Schedule

Warm-up (10-15 min)

Each for 1-2 laps around the gym - you can do laps around the yard or house

  • Jogging

  • Galloping (" Step slide, step slide" - switch so each foot can lead)

  • Side Shuffle (facing each direction)

  • Skipping ("step hop, step hop")

  • Walking backwards

  • High Marches

Stations (4 stations x 5 min each)

  • Station 1: Throwing activity - Tossing balls or bean bags to a target, work on underhand or overhand throwing, playing catch with a peer

  • Station 2: Balance activity - Walking on a balance beam, hopping on spots, balancing on one leg

This can be done walking on a short curb or following a line on the sidewalk with both feet on the line

  • Station 3: Gross motor practice - Student time to work on single legs hops for skipping, jumping jacks, wall sits, jumping forward or up!

  • Station 4: Scooter boards are a favorite for strengthening (on pockets or belly to move through cones) - at home this can be a bike or scooter ride

Sports Skill (20 min)

This is the time we will typically work on whatever sport is being worked on in General PE. In the past this has been Hockey, Soccer, Basketball, Bowling, Kick-ball, Tumbling. Our plan for the Spring was to transition to "Playground Games". I will work on getting some resources added for these activties (four square, tether ball, red rover). LET ME KNOW ANY IDEAS YOU HAVE TO ADD TO THIS!

Cool-Down/Stretch (5-10 min)

We take 5-10 min to work on stretching (see video on main page), reaching for left/right then walking with "quiet feet" back to class. I try to send them back to class a little calmer...when possible :-)