Activities for Home

Staying Active While Home!

There are LOTS of ways to work on ball skills, balance, and general strengthening from home. I will post up ideas that I find, please feel free to share with me ideas you come up with at home. Encourage your kids to be creative with what is available at home and outside in nature.

New Featured Activity!

This is a great way to work on single leg balance. Single leg balance is important for leg strength, walking, stairs and eventually skipping!

Let your child hang onto your hand for assist if needed

Progress with them only hold onto one finger!

You can also decrease assist by lifting your hand they are using for support higher into the air

Finally when they are ready let them try on their own! It's ok to lose your balance and have to try again, this is how our bodies learn to balance!

I would love to see a video of your child trying this activity! Make it fun and practice with them!

Balance and Jumping

Use Shapes to:

  • Jump OVER

  • Jump ON

  • Jump BETWEEN

  • Balance on shape on one foot

  • Jump on one foot from shape to shape

Obstacle Course

Get Creative!

  • Anything you can (safely) walk on, crawl or hop over, crawl through, run around, crawl under can be used

  • Have kids set up the course for each other or for mom/dad to try

Throwing Skills

Use what you have!

  • Targets: Buckets, pillows to toss onto, colored tile on the floor

  • Toss: Balls, bean bags, small stuffed animals, sponges

  • Vary the difficulty bu increasing the distance

  • Practice both overhand and underhand throwing

Scavenger Hunt

Take a walk!

Write a list before you leave of items you will look for on your walk. Leaves, sticks, clouds, spiders, trees, rocks etc. Make sure to ask questions about what you find; How does it feel? Where did it come from? What does it look like?

Stair Practice

Work on practicing safety on stairs (adult supervision required) :

  • Up/Down stairs safely with railing on feet

  • Up/Down with railing and alternating feet (pictured here)

  • Up/down alternating feet with no railing or carrying an object

Take a Walk!

This is the easiest activity to do as a family. Grab your bikes, scooters or skates and hit the road or trail!