
My favourite 30 publications to date

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Seeling, S., Seeger, M.K., Ries, J.B., 2021. Light pollution: A review of the scientific literature: The Anthropocene Review.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Senciales-González, J.M., Yu, Y., Salvati, L., Giménez-Morera, A., Cerdà, A., 2021. Long-term changes in rainfed olive production, rainfall and farmer’s income in Bailén (Jaén, Spain). Euro-Mediterranean Journal of Environmental Integration 6, 58.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Salvia, R., Egidi, G., Salvati, L., Giménez-Morera, A., Quaranta, G., 2021. Desertification and Degradation Risks vs Poverty: A Key Topic in Mediterranean Europe. Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica, in press.

  1. Yu, Y., RODRIGO-COMINO, J., 2021. Analyzing Regional Geographic Challenges: The Resilience of Chinese Vineyards to Land Degradation Using a Societal and Biophysical Approach. Land 10, 227.

  1. Cerdà, A., RODRIGO-COMINO, J., 2021. Regional Farmers’ Perception and Societal Issues in Vineyards Affected by High Erosion Rates. Land 10, 205.

  1. RODRIGO‐COMINO, J., Giménez‐Morera, A., Panagos, P., Pourghasemi, H.R., Pulido, M., Cerdà, A., 2020. The potential of straw mulch as a nature-based solution for soil erosion in olive plantation treated with glyphosate: A biophysical and socioeconomic assessment. Land Degradation & Development 31, 1877–1889. doi: 10.1002/ldr.3305

  1. Cerdà, A., RODRIGO-COMINO, J., 2020. Is the hillslope position relevant for runoff and soil loss activation under high rainfall conditions in vineyards? Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology 20, 59–72. doi: 10.1016/j.ecohyd.2019.05.006

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Barrena-González, J., Pulido-Fernández, M., Cerdá, A., 2019. Estimating Non-Sustainable Soil Erosion Rates in the Tierra de Barros Vineyards (Extremadura, Spain) Using an ISUM Update. Applied Sciences 9, 3317. doi: 10.3390/app9163317

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Keshavarzi, A., Zeraatpisheh, M., Gyasi-Agyei, Y., Cerdà, A., 2019. Determining the best ISUM (Improved stock unearthing Method) sampling point number to model long-term soil transport and micro-topographical changes in vineyards. Comput. Electron. Agric. 159, 147–156. DOI: 10.1016/j.compag.2019.03.007

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Seeger, M., Iserloh, T., Senciales González, J.M., Ruiz-Sinoga, J.D., Ries, J.B., 2019. Rainfall-simulated quantification of initial soil erosion processes in sloping and poorly maintained terraced vineyards - Key issues for sustainable management systems. Science of the Total Environment 660, 1047–1057. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.12.451

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Novara, A., Gyasi-Agyei, Y., Terol, E., Cerdà, A., 2018. Effects of parent material on soil erosion within Mediterranean new vineyard plantations. Engineering Geology 246, 255–261. doi: 10.1016/j.enggeo.2018.10.006

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Keesstra, S.D., Cerdà, A. 2018. Connectivity assessment in Mediterranean vineyards using Improved Stock Unearthed Method, LiDAR and soil erosion field surveys. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 43 (10), 2193-2206. doi: 10.1002/ esp.4385

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J. 2018: Five decades of soil erosion research in “terroir”. The State-of-the-Art. Earth-science Review 179, 436-447. DOI: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.02.014

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Brevik, E., Cerdà, A., 2018. The age of vines as a controlling factor of soil erosion processes in Mediterranean vineyards. Science of the Total Environment 616-617, 1163-1173. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.204

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Taguas, E.V., Seeger, M., Ries, J.B. 2018. Quantification of soil and water losses in an extensive olive orchard catchment in Southern Spain. Journal of Hydrology 556:749-758. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.12.014

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Davis, J., Keesstra, S.D., Cerdà. A. 2018. Updated measurements in vineyards improve accuracy of soil erosion rates. Agronomy journal 110: 441-447. doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.07.0414

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J.; Senciales, J.M., Cerdà, A., Brevik, E.C. 2018. The multidisciplinary origin of soil geography: A review. Earth-Science Review 177, 614-623. doi: 10.1016/j.earscirev.2017.11.008

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Cerdà, A. Improving Stock Unearthing Method to measure soil erosion rates in vineyards. Ecological Indicators 85, 509-517. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2017.10.042

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Martínez-Hernández, C., Iserloh, T., Cerdà, A. 2018. The contrasted impact of land abandonment on soil detachment and runoff initiation in Mediterranean agriculture fields. Pedosphere, 28 (4), 617-631. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(17)60441-7

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., García-Díaz, A., Brevik, E.C., Keesstra, S.D., Pereira, P., Novara, A., Jordán, A., Cerdà, A. 2017. The role of rock fragment cover on runoff generation and sediment yield in tilled vineyards in les Alcusses valley, Eastern Spain. European Journal of Soil Science 68, 864–872. doi: 10.1111/ejss.12483

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Wirtz, S., Brevik, E.C., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Ries, J.B. 2017. Assessment of agri-spillways as a soil erosion protection measure in Mediterranean sloping vineyards. Journal of Mountain Sciences 14 (6), 1009-1022. doi:10.1007/s11629-016-4269-8

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Senciales J.M., Ramos, M.C., Martínez-Casasnovas, J.A., Lasanta, T., Brevik, E.C.; Ries, J.B.; Ruiz Sinoga, J.D. Understanding soil erosion processes in Mediterranean sloping vineyards (Montes de Málaga, Spain). Geoderma 296, 47-59. doi: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2017.02.021

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Quiquerez, A., Follain, S., Raclot, D., Le Bissonnais, Y., Casalí, J., Giménez, R., Cerdà, A., Keesstra, S.D., Brevik, E.C., Pereira, P., Senciales, J.M., Seeger, M., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Ries, J.B., 2016. Soil erosion in sloping vineyards assessed by using botanical indicators and sediment collectors in the Ruwer-Mosel valley. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 233, 158–170. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2016.09.009

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Senciales, J.M., Guerra Merchán, A.; Seeger, M., Ries, J.B. 2016. High variability of soil erosion and hydrological processes in Mediterranean hillslope vineyards (Montes de Málaga, Spain). Catena 145, 274-284. doi: 10.1016/j.catena.2016.06.012

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Iserloh, T., Lassu, T.,Cerdà, A., Keestra, S.D., Prosdocimi, M., Brings, C., Marzen, M.; Ramos, M.C.; Senciales, J.M., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Seeger, M., Ries, J.B. 2016. Quantitative comparison of initial soil erosion processes and runoff generation in Spanish and German vineyards. Science of the Total Environment 565, 1165-1174. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.05.163.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J.; Iserloh, T.; Morvan, X.; Malam Issa, O.; Naisse, C.; Keesstra, S.D.; Cerdà, A.; Prosdocimi, M.; Arnáez, J.; Lasanta, T.; Ramos, M.C.; Marqués, M.J.; Ruiz Colmenero, M.; Bienes, R.; Ruiz Sinoga, J.D.; Seeger, M.; Ries, J.B. 2016. Soil Erosion Processes in European Vineyards: A Qualitative Comparison of Rainfall Simulation Measurements in Germany, Spain and France. Hydrology 3, 6. doi:10.3390/hydrology3010006.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J, Seeger, M., Senciales, J.M., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Ries, J.B. 2016. Variación espacio-temporal de los procesos hidrológicos del suelo en viñedos con elevadas pendientes (Valle del Ruwer-Mosela, Alemania). Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica 42 (1), 6-26, doi: 10.18172/cig.2934.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Brings, C., Lassu, T., Iserloh, T., Senciales González, J.M., Martínez-Murillo, J.F., Seeger, M., Ruiz Sinoga, J.D., Ries, J.B. 2015. Rainfall and human activity impacts on soil losses and rill erosion in vineyards (Ruwer Valley, Germany). Solid Earth 6, 823-837. doi:10.5194/se-6-823-2015.

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Senciales, J.M. 2015. Ratio LE para el ajuste de perfiles longitudinales en cursos fluviales de montaña. Aplicación a la cuenca del Río Almáchar (Málaga, España). Cuaternario y Geomorfologia 29 (3-4): 57-76. doi: 10.17735/cyg.v29i3-4.36540

  1. RODRIGO-COMINO, J., Senciales, J.M. 2013. La edafogeografía: la quinta rama olvidada de la Geografía Física. Cuadernos Geográficos (Universidad de Granada), 52 (1), 6-28.