Terra Lab UGR

Group 2. EGEMAP (Environmental Geography and Mapping) and research topic: Land degradation and regional geography

  • The Terra Lab UGR (https://geofireg.ugr.es/pages/investigacion/laboratorio) is the laboratory of the Department of Regional Geographic Analysis and Physical Geography, which constitutes a space that allows covering research projects and teaching innovation. The main purpose is to support all the possible research topics of the department and groups that work on the analysis of the territory, the biophysical environment and the landscape. These are two functional spaces with lines of work closely related to the projects carried out and in force.

  • The EGEMAP or Environmental Geography and Mapping and research topics try to assess and explain the main aspects of the territory that show interactions between individuals and/or human societies with their natural environment.

  • Research lines:

  1. Landscape, sustainability and environmental degradation.

  2. Geographic Information Technologies (GITs) and use of drones.

  3. Plant-soil-water relationship and climate.

CURRENT TOPICS: Geography of Viticulture

  • Land Degradation in VINEYARDS should be a big concern for humankind. For this reason, we are trying to assess a long-term Multidisciplinary Approach aimed to reduce it.

  • VINEYARDS are one of the most vulnerable landscapes of the world because of the misuse and abuse of soil resources, which result in their complete loss of functionality. However, this is impossible to be achieved without:

  1. Designing applied research from the pedon to the regional scale.

  2. Considering the opinion of the stakeholders.

  3. Facing issues associated with ecosystem services or production quality and opportunities and barriers for adoption of sustainable soil management practices.