Apps Available in Self-Service

Secondary students have access to download specific apps via the Self-Service app on their student iPad. These apps are district wide supported and generally a part of curriculum. 

Students do not need to have an Apple ID to download apps from Self-Service.

Do to virtual and remote learning, secondary students currently have access to the elementary self-service apps as well as secondary self-service.

Current List of Self-Service Apps

Secondary Self Service Apps

Using Apps not listed in Self-Service

Most of the apps that students need to complete basic school work are available at LISD’s Self-Service. Occasionally, a teacher will want students to use an app that is not available in Self-Service such as those on this site and will guide students to the App Store on their iPads. 

Please be aware that Apple IDs are not required by LISD, and it is entirely at the parents’ discretion whether students have one or not. In the case of students who are under 13, parents must set one up for their children using the Family Sharing service available through Apple. Instructions on how to setup an Apple ID, if so desired, can be found at Create an Apple ID.

Teachers, please use caution and always get parent permission when asking students to download apps from the Apple App Store.