apple Numbers

With Numbers, you can create beautiful spreadsheets that include impressive charts, tables, and images. With real-time collaboration, your team can work together on a Mac, iPad, or iPhone — even on a PC using iWork for iCloud. Numbers is the most innovative spreadsheet app ever designed for a mobile device. Created exclusively for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, Numbers includes support for Multi-Touch gestures and Smart Zoom so you can create powerful spreadsheets using just your fingers.

Terms of Service

"Children under the age of 13, or equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction, are not permitted to create their own Apple IDs, unless their parent provided verifiable consent or as part of the child account creation process in Family Sharing or they have obtained a Managed Apple ID account (where available) through their school."



6-8 Productivity TA TEKS

This information is accurate as of 4/2023. Please always check terms of service before using apps with students.