Flipgrid Help

Flipgrid Basics

Flipgrid is a video recording and hosting app that many teachers will ask you to use.
Here are the basic steps to complete Flipgrid assignments. 

Opening Flipgrid

First, you need to click the link provided by your teacher. It will look similar to below. Depending on how your teacher provides the link, it may look slightly different. However, the link should always be similar to flipgrid.com/OOOOOO.

Once you clink the link it should take you to the Flipgrid page. 
You will be asked to log into your Flipgrid account. Do this by clicking "Join with Google".

Make sure you choose the same Google Account you are using in Google Classroom.  If you get an error, check the error section below.

You will then be taken to the specific Flipgrid page for the assignment. 

Click "Add response" when you are ready to record. 

Before you can record your video. Make sure you give Flipgrid permission to access your camera and microphone by pressing "Allow".

Now you can finally record. Press the circle in the middle of the screen to start recording.

Be careful, Flipgrid videos have a maximum length. You can see it in the top middle of the screen. This video has a 1:30 minute maximum length.  Flipgrid will stop recording automatically when you hit this timer.

If you are done recording or if you need a break press the circle again to pause.

If you make a mistake and want to record again, press the "Retake" button.

Then confirm you want to delete. You will lose all recorded  video so far.

If you want to cancel recording, press the "X" in the top left corner.

When you are finished recording, press pause then the "Next" button.

Now, you can edit your video if you want. This guide won't discuss the specifics of editing.
If you are done editing, press next.

You are almost done now. 

If you want you can add a caption, in the bigger box.

You can also change the thumbnail by pressing "Edit cover"

There are multiple ways to change your video's thumbnail. You can pick a frame from your video, take a new picture using Flipgird, upload a picture or create a nametag using Flipgrid.

You can play with these yourself.

When you are happy with your video and thumbnail, press "Post to Topic".

There will be a short loading screen as your video processes and uploads to the website.

After the video is done, you will be brought back to the Fligrid assignment page.
If the assignment is not moderated, you can see your finished video in the grid part of the page.
If the assignment is moderated, check the "Where to check your videos/profile" page section.

Congratulations. You are done!

Upload Clip

You can record your videos in a different program if you prefer, but videos assigned to Flipgrid must be uploaded to Flipgrid. 

You can do this by uploading a Clip.
First, press "Add response".
Then, press "options".
Then, press "upload clip",

Now you need to select the file to upload. Make sure your video file is a .MOV, .MP4, or .WEBM file type. Flipgrid will not accept any other video type. 

Be careful your video length is not longer than the assignment maximum as well.

After you select your file, you will be able to edit the video using  Flipgrid's built in editor.

If you have no edits to make, press "next" as above.
Then, you can change thumbnails or add a description if you want.
Press "Post to topic" when you are finished.

Mic only

Sometimes your teacher won't require you to record your face. When this happens, you can record using mic only.
Press "Options" then "Mic only".

Record screen

You may want to record your screen. You can do this by pressing "Options" then "Record Screen".

Now, confirm you want to start screen recording.

Now pick what you want to record and press share.

You can share your entire screen, a window or a specific tab.
You will be visible in the bottom corner.

You can look at the screen you are recording.
When you are done sharing your screen, you can press "Stop sharing."

Then, return to the Flipgrid page and press "Pause recording" if you need a rest or "Stop recording" if you are done.

Note: Stopping or pausing recording does not not the screen share. You will need to press the "Stop sharing" button when you are done.

Now you can edit your video if you want and upload as normal.

Effects + uploading pictures 

There are many fun effects you can use to decorate your video.
Press the "Effects" button to open the Effects menu.
Here you can things like words, drawings and stickers to your video.

One of the more useful effects is uploading photos.

Do this by pressing "Effects" then "Photo".

Then select the picture to upload. It must be a .PNG or .JPG. 

Now you can copy, delete, resize, rotate, or move the image. Play around with it.

Backdrop and screen as Backdrop

You can also add special Backdrops or Backgrounds to your video.

Press the "Backdrop" button then select the option you like.

You can also use your computer screen as a backdrop.


coming soon

Moderated vs non-moderated

Flipgrid pages can be moderated or unmoderated.

Unmoderated Flipgrid videos will show up immediately on the Fipgrid page when done. 

Moderated Flipgrids will not show the videos until your teacher approves them. Many teachers use this option to let you submit private videos.  If you aren't sure if your video uploaded because it was moderated, check your profile page.

Where to check your videos/profile page 

Checking Flipgrid Videos.pdf

You can check your videos, comments, and other information on your profile page.

Check your profile to see if your videos uploaded correctly.

Comments and video comments

You can leave comments on your classmate's videos.

These can be done through a video or a written comment.

Click on a video, then scroll down to leave a comment or record a response.

Note: This can be deactivated by your teacher so you may not be able to leave comments.


If you enjoyed a video you can leave a like.
Note: This can be deactivated by your teacher so you may not be able to like videos.


Ask to Join or No Access Error:

Try the following things.

1) Make sure you are using the same Google Account you are using in Google Classroom.
2) Your teacher needs to add you to the Flipgrid. Contact your teacher to make sure you have been added.

Flipgrid and Web Browsers:

Flipgrid works best with  Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or Firefox.
It will work poorly with Safari or Explorer.