Grades 7-9

Grade 7-9 General Learning Intentions

At grade 7, 8, 9 learners are revisiting, reinforcing, and applying the literacy and numeracy skills learned in previous units and lessons. Students are learning so they can continue to grow as readers, writers and mathematicians, to keep their thinking fresh and to apply their knowledge and skills to new learning.

Grades 7-9 - Literacy

All students in grades 7-9 can participate in daily reading and responding as well as select from choice activities to strengthen their skills in literacy.

Daily Reading and Responding (30 minutes daily)

I will be able to connect to and reflect on my reading.

Read for 20 minutes each day. Respond by using these prompts, adding to your ideas each day (10 minutes):

  1. Tell someone what the text you are reading is about.

  2. Think about the title of the text. Why do you think the author chose that title?

  3. What is the scariest, funniest, saddest, most interesting, or most surprising part of what you read? Read it aloud to someone.

  4. Would you recommend what you are reading to a friend? Why or why not?

Literacy Choice Activities (30 minutes daily)

Students may select from a variety of literacy activities; activities may carry over several days.

Grades 7-9 - Numeracy

Suggested Times 7-9 Numeracy

Students are encouraged to do four different types of math activities each week. Suggested activities and recommended daily times are provided for each.

Mental Math (5-10 minutes daily)

Review and Practice (5-10 minutes daily)

Problem Solving and Learning Explorations (10-15 minutes daily)

Project Learning (20-30 minutes daily)