Grades 4-6 literacy

Grade 4 - Literacy

Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Find something that:

· makes you - happy, laugh, relax, feel safe;

· makes a beautiful sound;

· has your favourite colour;

· smells amazing;

· is healthy; and

· represents your culture.

Tell a household member, elder, or pet your findings.

Write positive messages on paper and leave them around the house to be found.


A synonym is a word that means the same as another word. Example - Big - large

Find synonyms for the following character traits:

mean, brave, funny, kind

Add to the list of character traits and synonyms by working with another person. Which of the character traits best describes you? Explain why.

Character Profile

Draw a character from your favorite movie, book, or video game. List words to describe your character (personality, appearance, actions, feelings, likes/dislikes). Which character traits from the vocabulary activity (above) best describe your character?

Extension: Write a paragraph to describe your character or compare you and your character.

Interview your character (above)

Create questions that can’t be answered with yes or no, such as: what did you think about...; how did you feel when...; why did you decide to ... etc?

Pretend to be the character and answer the questions.


A student started drawing but did not finish. Complete the drawings to show how amazing they could have been!

Story Map

Brainstorm ideas for a story by using your character or a drawing from the storyboarding activity (above) - Where/When will the story take place? What problem will your character have and how will it be solved? What else will happen?

● Title:

● Setting (place/time where the action happens):

● Characters:

● Problem:

● Main Events (Beginning, Middle, End):

● Solution:

Write the rough draft. Include:

Beginning: Introduce the character, setting, problem.

Middle: Include important events that happened.

End: Solve the problem. How does the story end?

Creative Response

The Seven Sacred Teachings from the First Nation’s culture remind us that we are one and are all connected. Choose one of the three listed and respond to it using music, art, drama, writing, or dance.

LOVE: Be at peace with yourself and express love to your family, friends and community through actions and words.

RESPECT: for example, honour and listen to your Elders, parents and teachers.

● COURAGE: listen to your heart. It takes courage to do what is right. Courage is being brave in the face of life’s problems.

Safe Choices

What are some of your daily routines? Example, at bedtime, I have a glass of water.

What routines can you do to increase your personal safety? Example, I always put on my helmet before riding my bike.

How can you increase your safety when playing sports (ex. basketball) or video games, while swimming, using the internet or the stove? Write/talk about the answers.

Gardening Reflection

Think and talk about what a gardener needs to do to ensure plants grow and about what children need to grow into healthy, happy people. Write how a gardener and a caring adult who helps a child develop are alike and different.


Think of happy memories (special events, people, places, etc). Write a list. Cut each memory and place it in an empty container. When feeling sad or worried, pick a memory, close your eyes and imagine that you are back in that moment.

Grade 5 - Literacy



How many 4 letter words can you find?

How many 3 or 4 syllable (clap) words can you find?

Last week’s word was appreciation.

Write a song/ poem titled ‘Appreciation’ or ‘Appreciate’.


Last week you developed a character. Now develop a setting. The setting in the story is when and where a story takes place. Where does your story take place? When? What details can you use to bring your setting to life (smells, sounds, sights)? Paint a picture with words! You can talk about your ideas before you write; think about how to organize your thoughts before writing; add details to make your writing interesting; and get feedback and revise.


Write a letter to someone that you want to thank: a health care worker, a truck driver, a grocer or a pastor/ community/ spiritual leader. Give it to them safely.


Make up your own alphabet game. Choose a place, animal, food (challenge yourself to come up with answers that are from Nova Scotia). My name is “Antle and I live in Aspotogan” or “My name is Avery and I like apples.” Keep the chain going by adding the next letter.


Write out the steps to an activity that you do daily, like: brushing your teeth, feeding a pet, washing your hands, etc. Include transition words like first, next, and then. Give your directions to someone to follow. Tell someone your steps or let them read the steps. Were your directions easy to follow? What could you change?


If you can, go for a long walk outside. If you can’t, imagine an outside place you know well. Imagine that place 50 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago or more. Use your imagination and tell a story of the history in that place.


Reflect on all the reasons you have to be grateful. Write your ideas on pieces of paper and put them in a jar/ box. Try to add to your container daily. Decorate the container.


Canada is a diverse country. We are known for our ability to use our environment and resources to create products and services. Name items including some you can find in your home that are “made in Canada”. What are the benefits of making and buying things locally?


Time usually goes by quickly when we do things we enjoy. Make a list, draw a picture or talk to somebody about the activities you do that make time pass quickly. Is it painting? Talking with friends? Building something? Colouring? Being outside? The next time you are looking to fill time with something fun, try one of these activities.


Use paper, cardboard or materials from nature and/ or around your home and make an art gallery. Hang art in your windows, outside or in your home. Try different forms of art: mobile, nature sculpture, etc. Think of your display as a “thank you” gallery for all the people who are working hard on the front lines as well as those staying home.

Grade 6 - Literacy

Mystery Word Challenge

Use the scrambled letters below:

d i t r s o a i t n

Make as many different words as you can with the letters from the mystery word. Can you identify the mystery word? (Answer will be in the next flyer).

Be a Reading Detective

During your independent reading, be a detective. Look for ways that the author shows the characters’ emotions beyond just telling how they feel. Look for things like body language, facial expressions, and actions.

Mark these examples with a sticky note or bookmark. Record the emotions being felt.


Rewrite a scene from the book you are reading to include different ways to show the characters’ emotions.

Create Fan Art

Pick a book or movie that you love and write out some of your favourite lines from the book or movie. Write out the character’s name (try writing them out in handwriting the way that you think the character would) and draw something that you think the character might draw (based on their interests in the book). Combine all of the pieces - favourite lines, character’s names, drawings, title, and maybe a review of the book - use tape or a glue stick to rearrange them on the page like a scrapbook.

Mystery Message Writing

Create a mystery message for someone in your house to solve. a=1, b=2, c=3, z=26. For example: 18,5,19,16,5,3,20 is the word respect.

My Dream Summer

In the Gaelic calendar, May 1st marks the beginning of the summer season. Write about what you like to do in the summer. You can make a plan for a dream summer, write a poem, or any other form of writing. Just write!

Connecting With the Environment

Go outside with a piece of paper and a pencil. Draw 3 columns with the titles: Things in Nature, Things We Have in Common, How It Helps Me. Find 5 things in your environment and tell how you are like that object. Try and consider less noticeable things like the air, soil, sun, etc. Example: Tree – We both have an outer layer to protect us. It gives me oxygen.

Become a Great Storyteller

Choose or create a story. Get to know the story well:

● Who are the characters?

● Where does the story happen?

● What are the main actions in the story?

Decide on a way to present your story. How can you make it more interesting? Practice presenting your story. Ask your audience what they liked about your story and how you could make it even better!

Share your spoken story outdoors or sitting in a circle.

Create a New Game

A lot of us get exercise by playing games such as soccer and tag. However, with social distancing requirements recommending people stay 2 metres apart, we can't play these games right now.

Your challenge is to invent a game that can help us get exercise while still remaining 2 metres apart. Write the rules. Try it out and see if it works. Make any necessary tweaks.

Song Writing

Think of a favourite song. Create new lyrics to go with the same beat/tune. Present it to those in your home.

Develop a series of dance steps/moves that represent your song.

One Sky, Many Stories

No matter where you live, the sky is something we all share. Throughout history, most cultures around the world have observed the sky, making connections and looking for patterns. These connections have been shared through many forms of story-telling. Go outside and look up. Using a notebook, a sketchbook, or a camera, record what you see. Use your ideas to create a poem, song, or a story.

3 different skies: blue sky with speckled clouds, grey sky with sweeping white clouds,  dark sky with stars