Living Well


This is a very challenging time for you, our families and students. We are committed to supporting your health and well-being and have developed a series of activities to help you be healthy and happy.

Physical Activity:

Being physically active dailybenefits all aspects of health including social, emotionaland physical well-being. The recommendedtime of sixty minutes of physical activity every daynot only enhances physical and mental health but italso eases anxiety and supports good sleep.

Healthy habits are an important part of leadinga healthy lifestyle. Studies show that good nutrition,proper sleep and hydration has a positive effect onemotional well-being and academic learning.

Building relationships are a vital part to thesocial,mental and emotional well-being of ourstudents. Healthy relationships involve communication,respect, trust and kindness. For the well-beingof students, it is important that they participate inactivities where they are able to demonstrate andpractice some of these qualities on a daily basis.


Intentionally pausing to becomeaware of your thoughts, emotions, bodily sensationsand your environment. It is being present in themoment. Being ‘mindful’ is the first step in beingcalm, alert and available for learning. You get betterby practicing each day. Try to set one or two timesthroughout the day to pause. Your body and your 'learning brain’ will love it!


Moving to the Music: Dance for 30 mins toyour favorite playlist.or to the radio. Try to keepthe songs upbeat to keep the heart rate up. Be sureto include different types of movement ex. Turn,travel, arm motions, etc. Obstacle Course: Usingitems from around your house and create anobstacle course. Be sure to include obstacles thatmake you climb and crawl. This can be done inside and/or outside.


Drink Water: The goal for the next two weeks is drinking a sufficient amount ofwater to keep your body properly hydrated. Meal Planning: Plan your meals for theweek. Create an inventory list. Create healthy recipes to be creative with the food youhave at home. Try one of your recipes.

girl cartoon with a hoola hoop


Gratitude Message: Create a poster or use window paint to write a positive messagethanking our front line workers such as: doctors, nurses & hospital staff, paramedics,police, grocery store employees, truck drivers, public works etc.

Appreciation Jar:

Each day this week write down one thing that you appreciate about someone in yourfamily or community. At the end of the week, if possible, open the appreciation jarand share the things you wrote with those who you appreciate


Mindful Breathing: Step alongside a parent or someone in your home and bothpause for 3-5 deep breaths together. You might sit outside or stand by a window. Youcan close your eyes or keep them open and carefully take in what is around you. Yourbrain is drawn to nature so if you can see the trees or feel the sunshine, it will alsohelp slow your body down. This is mindful breathing.

Mindful Walk:

Take a quiet walk down the street or stand outside with a parent or caregiver and listen to all of the sounds around you. When you get back home, take 2 minutes to write down everything you remember hearing. Try and remember as many sounds as you can! This is mindful listening.