Bell Schedule
NGRHS School Day Schedule 2024
8:30 Classrooms open
8:50 – 9:51 First Period
9:51 – 10:52 Second Period
10:52- 11:04 Recess
11:04 - 12:05 Third Period
12:05 - 12:46 Lunch 7-12
12:46- 1:47 Fourth Period
1:47 - 1:54 Break
1:54 - 2:55 Fifth Period
Embedded Day Schedule
First Period
Second Period
Third Period
Fourth Period
Locker Break
Fifth Period
12:55 Dismissal
Students who arrive late to class will be marked tardy. A total of three unexcused lates to class will result in a referral to the office.
1-2 lates = Conference with teacher
3 lates = Referral to office and friendly reminder
4 lates = Referral to office (1 working detention and contact home)
5+ lates = Referral to office (2 working detentions/in school suspension)
1st skip (unexcused absence) = Meeting with Administration and contact home
2nd skip (unexcused absence) = Meeting with Administration, contact home and a working detention until all work is made up.
3rd skip (unexcused absence) = Meeting with Administration, contact home, working detention until all work is made up and one other detention in the office.
4th skip (unexcused absence) = Meeting with Administration, in school suspension(s) and contact home.