IB - Theory of Knowledge

"The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge"

- Daniel J. Boorstin

Google Classroom

Our class will be making use of a Google Classroom to assist us in the distribution of course notes, materials and assignment. Please speak with your teacher to obtain the Classroom Code for our course.

As a centrepiece of the IB Diploma Programme, TOK is an integral and valuable learning experience for all Diploma Programme students. The aims of the TOK course are for students to:

      • make connections between a critical approach to the construction of knowledge, the academic disciplines and the wider world

      • develop an awareness of how individuals and communities construct knowledge and how this is critically examined

      • develop an interest in the diversity and richness of cultural perspectives and an awareness of personal and ideological assumptions

      • critically reflect on their own beliefs and assumptions, leading to more thoughtful, responsible and purposeful lives

      • understand that knowledge brings responsibility which leads to commitment and action.

Further to these, it is expected that by the end of the TOK course, students will be able to:

      • identify and analyse the various kinds of justifications used to support knowledge claims

      • formulate, evaluate and attempt to answer knowledge questions

      • examine how academic disciplines/areas of knowledge generate and shape knowledge

      • understand the roles played by ways of knowing in the construction of shared and personal knowledge

      • explore links between knowledge claims, knowledge questions, ways of knowing and areas of knowledge

      • demonstrate an awareness and understanding of different perspectives and be able to relate these to one’s own perspective

      • explore real-life/contemporary issues from a TOK perspective.

TOK Assessment

A student's final mark in Theory of Knowledge is composed of two assessment marks; the Exhibition and the Essay. The Exhibition holds a value of 1/3 of the final mark while the Essay is worth the final 2/3. Students will have a number of opportunities to develop an understanding and the required skills to successfully complete these assessments.