
“Teachers need to integrate technology seamlessly into the curriculum instead of viewing it as an add-on, an afterthought, or an event.” – Heidi-Hayes Jacobs

The resources below are technology tools that students may use to practice skills, explore, collaborate and create. The skills acquired with these technologies can enhance your child's toolbox for many courses, jobs, or problems that they will have in the future.

WeVideo is a basic video editor that allows you to create, edit and share video. It also has a green screen capability. It is a video creating and editing tool with full functionality on the chromebook.

Book Creator allows students to create and publish documents in a digital book format. They are able to choose from a variety of templates.

(In order to use this tool at home the parent would need to create a teacher account first)

Padlet is an online tool that can be used as a bulletin board but can also be used to organize thoughts. It can include, text, pictures and video.

EASELLY is an online tool used to design infographics. The user can use templates or design from scratch

Pixlr is an online photo editor that students can use to create and manipulate images. They can install this software using their gnspes email login information.

Epic! is an online and app based digital library containing thousands of digital books, audio-books, read-to-me books. ***Please be sure to read the books prior to letting your children read them to make sure the reading level, and the content is appropriate.***

Newsela is a news article repository which can be sorted by topic and allows for adjustment of reading levels for students.***Please be sure to read the books prior to letting your children read them to make sure the reading level, and the content is appropriate.***

Beautiful Audio is an online audio mixer that can be used to edit and record audio tracks.

Makecode is a place where students can go to explore and create through coding. Coding is all about problem solving and some of the student projects can be amazing.

Scratch Jr is a programming/coding tool for younger students. It is free app that is available on different platforms.

Adobe Spark is an online tool used to design, social graphics,infographics webpages and video stories. The user can use templates or design from scratch.

Knowledgehook is an interactive math assessment tool that. Parents can sign up for a free account.