Activity Suggestions

Grades Primary-Two Suggested Activities

Discussion question: Look for the helpers. When scary things are happening, there are always people around to help. Who are some of the people you see helping? How can you be a helper?

Activity: How can you be a helper? Draw a picture of you helping others in some way.

Book: "My Hero is You" is a children's book published by the Inter-Agency Standing Committee Reference Group on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Emergency Settings to address concerns children may have about COVID-19 and the global pandemic.



Song: Listen to the song "Thanks a lot" by Raffi and use it as a discussion starter for things in your own life to be thankful for.

Grades three and up

Draw a poster to thank your special helpers, it could be the garbage man, the post man, a grocery clerk, a doctor, a nurse, a truck driver etc. Place it in your window, put it on top of your garbage can on garbage day, post it on social media.

or write a little song or poem for a big challenge.