Grade 12

Post-Secondary Visits & Open House Events
Please see calendar outside of the Counselling Office for the dates & times that Colleges / Universities will be visiting Halifax West. They will be set up in the cafeteria during our lunch hour. Many will waive the fee for the application process when students meet with them during their school visit.
AARAO Fair - OCTOBER 9th, 2024 starting at 9:30 am in the Gymnasium
AARAO (The Atlantic Association of Registrars and Admissions Officers)
This will include various post-secondary institutions from the Atlantic Provinces. Students will have an opportunity to interact and ask questions with members representing a wide range of education and training facilities.
University Fair - will be visiting Halifax West on NOVEMBER 7th, 2024 starting at 1:30 pm in the Gymasium
The Canadian University Fair is comprised of representatives from various universities from across Canada will be available to answer questions and provide information to students.
Open House events take place either virtually or at the institution site.