Healthy Habits

Consistency is key!

As with most things in life, consistency is more important than doing something now and again.

One workout is not going to get you into shape, and missing one workout is not going to ruin all your hard work and progress.

One unhealthy meal is not going to make you gain weight, just like one healthy meal is not going to make you lose weight.

It is the consistent repetitive actions that allow us to see change.

7 Ways to Sleep Better

  1. Sleep schedule - This means going to bed & waking up the same time daily. Your body likes routine. Aiming for 8-10 hours of sleep a night.

  2. Bedtime routine - As your body likes routine, you can do things each night to signal to your body that it's time to wind down. Some examples are an hour before your bedtime, brushing your teeth, putting on your pjs, turning down the lights, putting your devices away, reading, drawing, taking a shower/bath, etc.

  3. Daily movement - Exercise is medicine. Making time for daily movement (even 30 minutes) can create better sleep. Walking, swimming, playing a sport, pilates, yoga, etc.)

  4. Limit daytime naps - A daytime nap can throw off your nighttime sleep. You may find that when you nap during the day, you cannot get to sleep until late at night. That's because it disrupts the sleep pattern that your body knows or you've created a sleep pattern that is no longer working for you.

  5. Get comfy - If possible, create a bedtime space that feels good to you. Perhaps a comfy blanket or soft pillows or turn on some white noise to soothe you as you drift off to sleep.

  6. Manage stress - Find safe ways to socialize, communicate your feelings, use a schedule to manage your time, allow time to do something you enjoy each day

  7. Pay attention to what you eat and drink - This can also impact our ability to get a good night's sleep. Caffeine if consumed too late in the day can keep you awake, you may be affected by other food and drink in a similar way. Notice what you ate/drank that day if you cannot get to sleep.

Eating in a well-balanced way

Not eating well can lead to mood swings, unhealthy changes in your weight, reduced mental health, physical illness

  1. Drink your water! Your pee should be pale yellow in colour. If it's dark yellow or orange - you need to hydrate!

  2. Eat regular meals - try not to skip meals - this can lead to making unhealthy food choices later when you're feeling realllllyy hungry.

  3. Pay attention to the amount of junk food you are consuming - it's okay to have treats, but our bodies need nutrients, too. 80/20 rule

  4. Aim for a combination of healthy protein, carbs and fats. Ex. Toast with peanut butter & eggs or rice with fish (and maybe a few veggies on the side ;))


Get moving daily! 60 minutes a day is ideal but some movement daily is better than no movement.

It doesn't have to be complicated and you don't have to go to a gym.

  1. Walking to/from school or go for a walk (listen to music, a podcast or audiobook)

  2. Wall sits as you read

  3. Walk around your room as you study and learn

  4. Do squats or sit-ups in between your studying as a movement break

  5. Put on your favourite music and dance.

  6. Find a workout or yoga class on youtube.