Concurrent Sessions - D

2:25 - 3:40

Coding with Pixels - Art, Math, ELA

Room: 105

Presenter: Laura Kennedy

Learning how to use Google Sheets to code pixel art pictures. This workshop offers non digital to various digital options to create the same product that can be used to extend computational thinking, design thinking, mathematical concepts and a variety of language arts curriculum outcomes. Beginners to advanced digital learners of all grade levels can easily learn and take this concept into the classroom. Computer is required for the digital aspect. We'll also look at a pixelization app as a further option as well to extend the possibilities of this workshop.

Intended Grade Level: All Levels

Skill Level Required: Beginner / No knowledge necessary

Devices Needed / Requirements: Device with Google Sheets

Biblio-Technology: Integrating Literacy and Technology in the Classroom

Room: 301

Presenter: Lynne MacKinnon

In this workshop, we will explore 30+ books that you can use to integrate Literacy and Information Technology & Communication outcomes. Immerse yourself as you learn ways to incorporate lessons with topics such as 21st skills (perseverance, grit, etc.), MakeyMakey, Raspberry Pi, Scratch, STEAM, Coding in Scratch and Python, and App Development. Take your learning and your students learning to the next level with these amazing resources – all on display! Part 2 of our session will immerse you into the world of Digital Libraries. Come and learn to master programs such as TumbleBooks and EPIC! Go beyond the “30 minutes of online reading time” to true literacy integration. Learn how to build your literacy/tech lessons to incorporate genres, reading responses, and more. Let’s talk biblio-technology…let’s talk integration. For an added bonus, some lucky participants will walk away with biblio-technology resources!

Intended Grade Level: P-6

Skill Level Required: Beginner / No knowledge necessary

Devices Needed / Requirements: Chromebook, iPad, Android, iPhone, etc (useful but not necessary)

Dungeons & Dragons: Tabletop Role Playing Games as Social Stories for Teens

Room: 305

Presenter: Lael Radkey

Would you like to provide students with opportunities to plan, discuss and solve complex problems collaboratively with out-of-the-box thinking, while being guided through a broad range of scaffolded interpersonal interactions and practicing metacognitive awareness of their own and others' motivations? Then come learn about Dungeons and Dragons, where we roll dice, explore dangerous dungeons, fight monsters, and learn the explicit and implicit rules of interpersonal interactions.Intended Grade Level:

Skill Level Required: Beginner/No knowledge necessary

Devices Needed / Requirements: A device with internet access may be beneficial, but not required.

Stop Motion with Google Slides

Room: 306

Presenter: Erica Phillips

Using Google Slides to create stop motion animation to support curriculum and give students a new way to "publish" what they know. We will go through step by step how to create a stop motion video using Google Slides. (I will also show how to use a Stop Motion App and how to incorporate green screening with your stop motion projects)! Chrome books would be awesome, if you have them!

Intended Grade Level: All levels

Skill Level Required: Intermediate knowledge of skills/tools

Devices Needed / Requirements: Chromebooks would be great

Book Creator

Room: 309

Presenter: Tyler Deacon

We will be exploring what book creator is and the best ways to use it. We will also review examples of student work and extra apps to help make it more exciting and creative. Time will be given to explore and understand the online website as well as the app.

Intended Grade Level: 3-9

Skill Level Required: Beginner / No knowledge necessary

Devices Needed / Requirements: Access to GNSPES, with iPad or Chromebook to follow if we go along (helpful but not necessary)

Making Time for Making

Room: 310

Presenter: Jeff Hennigar & Nick Baskwill

With an increasing focus on Makerspaces and hands-on learning, how do we find time for it all in addition to our other subject areas? In this session will take a look at how the ICT outcomes support and incorporate across the curriculum! Scissors and tape provided.

Intended Grade Level: All levels

Skill Level Required: None / No knowledge necessary

Devices Needed / Requirements: none

APP Smashing with @Y2kTeacherHRCE

Room: 311

Presenter: Shelly Bembridge

Ever feel limited by what you can do in an APP but not ready to start writing your own code? Come explore how we can smash some APPS together to achieve different results. This will be a workshop session with time for hands-on, minds-on time to play and work on challenges that you can take back and try with your students.

Intended Grade Level: P-9

Skill Level Required: Intermediate knowledge of apps/skills used

Devices Needed / Requirements: iPad if possible (but not necessary)