Programs & Groups
The following is a list of various groups closely connected to Student Services. To learn more about one of these groups please inquire at Student Services or ask one of the counsellors.
- Stress Reduction Art Group - This group practices mental health coping strategies through art based activities.
- Prefects - This group greets guests during special occasions such as parent information evenings, etc.
- Peer Tutors - This group volunteers to tutor students in various subjects.
- International Student Ambassadors - This group organizes activities in support of International Students.
- Respect For Diversity Group - This group promotes social justice initiatives and organizes a social justice day.
- Peers Learning About Youth And Sexuality Group - This group support curriculum outcomes for gr 9 students.
- Chapter - This group promotes mental health literacy and awareness of community resources
Peers Learning About Youth And Sexuality (PLAYAS)
This Peer led initiative is designed to support curriculum outcomes within grade 9. It is supported by approximately 40 grade 11 and 12 students, Horton teachers and Public Health.
- Media Objectification
- Sexual Harrassment/Respectful Relationships
- STI's, PAP & Testicular Exams
- Teen Pregnancy
- Contraception
- 9:00 Grade 9 student to the Performance Centre of Opening
- 9:10 Media/Objectification group presents to large group
- 9:30 Session one begins (first of 4 sessions begin in classrooms)
- 10:15 Session two
- 10:50 Session three
- 11:30 Recess
- 11:55 Session four
- 12:30 Back to the Performance Centre for Media presentation and Closing
RFD is a student led organization that promotes social justice through discussion. Each year approximately 75 students meet every Thursday at lunchtime to listen to presentations and discuss numerous social justice issues. After approximately 3 months students participate in a 2 day facilitator training camp where they prepare for our social justice day called Respect For Diversity Day. At this camp students prepare lessons for grade 10 students, listen to guest presenters, prepare posters and recipes for an International Buffett etc. On RFD Day grade 10 students do not have regular classes.
- Student CoChairs -
- Staff Liaisons -
- AVRSB - Coordinator of RCH -
- Student Support Worker -
- Mi'Kmaq advisor
- Keynote Speaker -
- Keynote Speaker -
- 9:00 Introduction in Performance Centre
- 9:10 Keynote Speaker (Candy Palmeter)
- 10:10 Organization of groups
- 10:15 Peer led lessons with gr.10 students
- 11:30 Recess
- 11:55 Keynote Speaker (Philip Riteman)
- 1:10 International Buffet for grad 10 students
- 1:55 Continue Peer led groups in classes
- 3:00 RFD closing in the Performance Centre