Annual Grade 8 Band Trip

2024 Trip currently under construction

GPV Band is so happy to provide the incredible experience of musical travel to our band students. It enhances their overall educational experience in school, deepens their friendships, not to mention their musical skills through performance.  Any questions can be addressed to our Trip Organizers, Ms. Ferguson:

Links to trip information

to be shared once prepared

 fundraising information

Fundraising for Trips - General Information

Fundraising is optional.

It is also, in the example of volunteering for the Craft Fair, a great opportunity for students to get to know each other prior to a trip, helping them feel more comfortable while away. 

How It Works
For the majority of fundraisers - the student and/or parent who participates will benefit directly
Ex. Ticket / product sales: Whatever you sell, you get the majority, if not all of the profit

Ex. Sell $500 tickets at Giant Tiger - 4 people sold tickets, 4 shares (profit divided by 4)

Note: Chaperones + event organizers also get shares - 1 parent + 1 students = 2 shares

How to pass in fundraised money

In a sealed envelope, labelled: 

 Upcoming Fundraisers

Craft Fair  

Friday October 13 & Saturday October 14
Coordinator: Ms. Ferguson & Mme Peverill

We made a little over $2,400 last year! Congratulations, Vipers! 
Money earned has been listed on student account pages in the Trip Accounts Binder in the music room. Take a look.

Profit earned by

Past Fundraisers

Gift Card Raffle  

Now until Friday December 9, 2022

To do now:
1 or more $25 gift card(s) or $25 cash to be eligible to participate ASAP.

Our goal is to have $500 in gift cards (or more) to sell tickets for a raffle. Once we know how many gift cards we have, we can apply for a lottery license, which takes 2 weeks to get.

Raffle Ticket sales
Students & families will be able to sell tickets on the raffle on their own.

Students / guardians/parents who arrange selling at a public locations are to inform Mme Peverill. They will get first dibs on shifts + then the other shifts are to be open to other travelers on a first-come, first served basis by signing up in the music room.  If this is done, the coordinator is to sign out new tickets, not sell the ones you already have.

Tickets sold on own - $100% profit goes to your account
Tickets sold at stores - profit from entire event divided among sellers, with a share going to the coordinator 


Sat Dec 3, 2022
Riverside Pub, Bedford


Auction items due by Friday November 25 by 4pm

Link to Auction donation request letter

Auction donation form


Those who have items in the auction are expected to volunteer or 25% will go toward the volunteers who run the auction on your behalf.  If you have a conflict, please contact Mr. Sproul right away. (

You can volunteer if you do not have items in the auction - we need drivers to pick up items at the school to take to Riverside, auction item coordinator, spotters, "Vanna's", Greg's gopher (the auctioneer), bid trackers and more.

Tickets   Please sell as many tickets as possible! $5 each

Tickets - $4 per ticket sold goes to your account
Volunteering for live auction - shares of what is made at the door and raffles
Auction items - most of what the item sells for goes to traveler's account if they volunteer


Fredericton, NB 2023