CEC Pre-IB courses are designed to provide grade 10 students with an advanced academic program. This curriculum is developed here in Nova Scotia. These courses are recommended for students who are planning to attend university and have good academic standing in grade 9.

The pre-IB courses are designed to develop knowledge and skills which will assist students in grade 11 or 12 whether they do IB, advanced courses or the regular academic stream. Most students find that while there is an increase in homework from junior high, they are still able to succeed without excessive time pressures. Students and their families are encouraged to think of this program separately from the IB program which starts in grade 11.

CEC pre-IB courses:

Language and Literature 10

French CEC pre-IB Core, Integrated, and Immersion 

History CEC pre-IB in English and in French 

Science 10 CEC pre-IB in English and in French 

Math 10 CEC pre-IB (2 semesters)

We also recommend Advanced Biology 11 and one graduation requirement (fine arts, Phys. Ed.) be taken in grade 10. If the student is an integrated or immersion student, this might be taken in French.