Teacher GNSPES Admin

Running reports for gNSPES student information

In Power School Admin: Make a selection of students and use the group function 'Print mailing labels'. Print Student gNSPES Account Information

In PowerTeacher: Click Reports --> Choose 'student gNSPES activation information'

Note: Either method above will produce a report with all of the information students need to activate their own account. It could act as a reference for teachers, listing the student numbers, DOB and email addresses (Teacher will only be able to find students enrolled in their PS sections). Note: student birthdays must be entered in the mm/dd/yyyy form.

Options for managing student Email accounts

Students can activate their own account here.

Teachers can activate or set passwords for a single student (enrolled in one of their courses) here. Log in with your own gNSPES username and password and choose Modify after logging in. Put in a password and hit Update.

Teachers can use GNSPES ADMIN and upload a .csv file to update passwords for their whole class. *P-6 only.

1. Create a Google Sheet.

2. Populate 2 columns (No Header Row) Enter the student usernames in one column and the desired passwords in the other.

3. NOTE: Passwords must be 8 characters with an uppercase letter, a number and a special character. Otherwise, students will not be able to login to Chromebooks.

More information on Passwords can be found here: https://goo.gl/ZcV2fn

3. Select: File / Download As... / Comma-searated-values (CSV) / Save on Desktop or elsewhere.

4. Navigate to GNSPES ADMIN and login with your gNSPES credentials.

5. Select the 'Modify/ tab.

6. Select 'Choose File' and find your saved .csv file.

7. Click Upload.

In the case of new students or staff that arrive in your school, please enter a SAP request at the school office to have a technician activate the accounts or contact the Technology Help Desk at 902-562-6868 (cbv_helpdesk@gnspes.ca)