Early Literacy Support

Early Literacy Support Overview

Early Literacy Support is designed to be a daily intervention for students identified by current assessment evidence as requiring supplementary literacy support.  Early Literacy Support is a tier two implementation that supports students in grades P-2.  ELS runs from September to June.  During this time, we will be running three blocks of support within our families of schools.  The blocks are as follows:

September -December ~  weeks

January-March ~ 12 weeks

April-June ~ 10 weeks

We will support students in grades P-2 who require:

Daily lessons are delivered within the classroom with a focus on  reading, writing, and oral language development in small group or one-on-one contexts.  We currently have 9 Early Literacy Support Teachers supporting approximately 103 students throughout our regional center.

Goal of Early Literacy Support

The goal of Early Literacy Support is to support students in building independence and increasing stamina by supporting them in developing an effective literacy processing system.  This system  fosters problem-solving, accelerated learning and enables them to demonstrate expected grade level learning outcomes in Language Arts. Our goal is for our students to be independent readers & writers.

Writing About Reading

Early Literacy Support Professional Development

Our Early Literacy Support Teachers meet five times a year for a full day of professional development.  Three of these days include a colleague visit in the morning, where they watch colleagues teach live lessons with their students. 

For each professional development day, an emphasis is chosen and our day is organized around it.  Our day includes viewing of live lessons, professional readings, activities that support our emphasis, implementation issues,  goal setting and time for reflection.