About Us

Our Mission Statement:

Bridgewater Junior High School and the Verge House are committed to developing confident, lifelong learners in an atmosphere of mutual support and respect. Intellectual, physical and social growth will be encouraged within a positive and challenging environment.

We Believe:

1. Everyone is important.

2. Everyone should be treated with respect.

3. Schools should be a positive place in which to learn.

4. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to learn.

5. Everyone learns in different ways.

6. Everyone should be appropriately challenged.

7. Learning is a shared responsibility.

8. Learning is a lifelong process.

Our School Motto:

MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO We strive to provide a positive and challenging learning environment in which our students can learn and develop into productive and contributing members of society.

Our Profile:

341 Students, 22 Teachers, 2 Administrators, 1 Admin Assistant, 1 School Counsellor, 12 Teacher Assistants, 3 Custodians, 1 Head custodian