Mrs. Zukas

7th Grade GifteD Math

In the 7th grade Academy math program, there are two courses, 7th Grade Advanced Math II and Algebra 1 Honors. Students who successfully complete 7th Grade Advanced Math in 6th grade are placed in the Algebra 1 Honors course. In both courses, the emphasis is on math in the real world. We focus throughout the school year on how math is used in many real-life situations.

This is my fifth year teaching at Howard Bishop and my 11th year teaching in the Alachua County Public School System; my eldest daughter attended HBMS! 

Before embarking in my teaching career, I spent 22 years in commercial sales and doing CAD/Space Planning for the commercial furniture industry. I have “used math” in every aspect of my professional career and pull all my real-life experiences into the curriculum. I am excited to learn and grow with my students …. Go Hawks!!!