Rating Scale

Each of the aforementioned criteria will be assessed as per this rating scale.

1. Creativity. Evidence of originality, uniqueness and imagination.

2. Plot and Story Structure. Exposition, rising action, climax, clear falling action, resolution, plot twists, rhythm of the story, etc.

3. Setting, Characters, Conflict & Theme. How clear, well developed and embedded in the plot are they?

4. Organisation. Coherence in the point of view used in the narration, coherence and cohesion of ideas, use of paragraphs.

5. Expression. Use of vocabulary, sensory language, frequency of speech, use of narrative technique (e.g. varying short and long sentences), transitions, etc.

6. Accuracy. Correct use of grammar, sentence structure, dialogue punctuation and overall punctuation and spelling.

Students must take into consideration the following points when writing their stories. Failing to follow any of these guidelines will result in immediate disqualification.

Many points have been adapted from CBSE Budding Authors Programme 2022

All stories MUST BE ORIGINAL CREATIONS. DON’T USE copyrighted characters, settings, plots or ideas that belong to other people (for example, names of the characters from a book you like). EVERYTHING MUST COME FROM YOUR OWN CREATIVITY AND IMAGINATION.

If you use pictures from the internet, you must add at the end of your story all the links to the copyright free pictures that you have used. DON'T JUST DOWNLOAD PICTURES FROM GOOGLE.

What are copyright free or royalty free pictures?

Coypright free or royalty free pictures are images whose creator or owner has given permission for the pictures to be used freely by others. Many pictures that were created a very long time ago now belong to the public domain, which means that anyone can use them freely. However, even when you use one copyright free picture from the internet in your story, you must still add at the end of the story the link to the each picture that you have used. 

If you need help finding copyright free pictures on the internet, check out the links listed below!