Phase 1. Chapter 1

Campus Level: Campus Registration and Submission (1)

Until Friday, 11th August 2023

If you are the parent of a student or

you are a student who wants to participate

in the writing contest, please read this message. 

Students DO NOT NEED TO and CANNOT REGISTER AS INDIVIDUALS. The registration process is open to CAMPUSES ONLY.

If you are a student who wants to participate, then you need to get in touch with your TEACHERS at your campus and let them know that you want to take part in this Writing Contest, and kindly ask your campus to register. Once the CAMPUS is registered, automatically all its students are also registered. 

As you can see in the flow of the event explained below, each registered campus will manage its students' submissions (i.e. you submit your story to your campus following their instructions) and each campus will select the 9 stories (TOP 3 stories in each category using the contest RUBRIC) that will move to the competition at a Global Level. 

1. All campuses that accept our invitation and wish to give their students a chance to participate in this interschool writing contest must nominate a teacher (ideally backed by a team of teachers and librarians) who will coordinate the contest at a campus level.

2. The teacher representative is to submit the Campus Registration Form by Friday, 11th August 2023.

THIS IS A MASTER COPY, so please don't send a request asking for permission to edit this file, MAKE A COPY OF IT INSTEAD.

3. THE STUDENTS who wish to participate: 

4. Each campus will decide HOW to collect the stories written by their students during PHASE 1 and inform their pupils about the same. For example, at GIIS Tokyo Nishi-Kasai Campus, Google Classroom will be used to collect the students' stories during PHASE 1.

The deadline for the campuses to submit the REGISTRATION FORM and for the students to submit their stories to their respective campuses is:

Friday, 11th August 2023

Phase 1. Chapter 2

Campus Level: Shortlisting & Submission (2)

Until Monday, 11th September 2023

1. From all the stories submitted by their students, each campus is to shortlist 9 stories that will compete in the writing contest at a global level.

2. In order to shortlist the 9 stories that will compete at a global level, each campus is requested to use the provided RUBRIC that features the writing contest judging criteria.

3. Once they have been shortlisted, each campus is to submit the 9 stories by Monday, 11th September 2023. Details on the submission procedure for the stories will be shared via email with the registered campuses in due time.

Phase 2. Chapter 1

Global Level: Interschool Judging Process

Until Friday, 13th October 2023

1. After having submitted the shortlisted 9 stories crafted by their students, each campus will receive a set of 9 shortlisted stories written by students from different GSF campuses all together.

2. Using the writing contest's rubric (the same one as the one used in the previous phase), each campus will now act as a judge by evaluating the assigned set of 9 stories.

3. Campuses are to submit their evaluation of the assigned stories by Friday, 13th October 2023. Details on the submission procedure for the stories' evaluation will be shared via email with the registered campuses in due time.

Phase 2. Chapter 2

Global Level: Final Resolution

& Announcement of Winners

Until First Week of December 2023

1. After all the campuses have submitted their evaluation, the shortlisted stories will be ranked as per their score according to the writing contest's rubric and the 3 entries with the highest score in each category, namely Classes 4-5, Classes 6-8 and Classes 9-12, will become the TOP 3 Global Winners in their respective group.

2. Due to the high probability of having stories with the same score competing for the TOP 3, there is a fair amount of time, between the submission of evaluations by the campuses (13th October) and the announcement of winners (first week of December), for the necessary rescreening and reevaluation to be carried out and the final TOP 3 to be decided. If that were the case, the rescreening and reevaluation of the stories with the same score competing for the TOP 3 will be done by an external evaluator. In any case, the final decision will the GIIS Tokyo Writing Contest Committee and its ruling is final.

3. The winners will be declared during the GIIS Tokyo Book Week 2023 that will take place in the first week of December, over a Zoom webinar to which all participating campuses will be requested to join.