Team Kererū Photo's

Week 4:  Take a look at all the fun we had when we visited Mt Taurere. 

Once you have looked at all the pictures go onto Rm 3 and Rm 4's class bogs and tell us what you enjoyed the most about the day.  

Week 1:

Unpacking our Team Kererū Values.  

Ākonga discussed in their groups what they look and feel like inside and outside our classrooms.

Values Bus Stop
Pancake Time

Week 2:

Team Kererū got to enjoy some delicious pancakes thanks to Nui and Jasmin who brought some leftovers from church that morning.  What a great way to start our day.

Check out what has been happening in Team Kererū.  Click on the 'open in new tap' to see access all folders.  You can screenshot the photos and use them in your blogs.