MITEY is a programme Glen Taylor School will be using this year. It is a programme that helps to promote good Mental Health in our tamariki, so they can be active participants in their community. They use their skills to develop a sense of belonging, and are welcoming and feel welcomed by their peers.  We will be using the Mana Model- with an emphasis on Mana WHANAU this term. 

Students will create their own Mana Model- using images of whanau, places and things that are special to them. 

Make a copy of the template to the right (a google drawing) and complete: 

Term 2: Week 6 -10

#2.9 I Am Not Alone

MITEY #2.9: You Are Not Alone

Term 2: Week 1-5

#1.6: Being a Friend

MITEY Being a Friend

Week 7 - MITEY Warm-Up Activities

Warmup activities are a great way to motivate ākonga to work together, move and have fun. Use these activities to start a Mitey Learning Experience or to support the teaching of other learning outcomes from the Mitey Framework.

MITEY Warm-Ups
MITEY Warm-Ups - Level 2
MITEY Warm-Ups - Level 3
MITEY Warm-Ups - Level 4

Week 3 Tuesday- My Strengths 

Strength Week 4

Week 3 Resources 

Feathers and Kakahu
My Kākahu

Ākonga learn about their identity and each other’s special qualities. They examine feelings, thoughts and actions and identify and develop ways to foster healthy friendships. Working together ākonga create a class kākahu designed to show the ‘hidden’ parts of us all; a cloak that makes us who we are and helps to support and protect us as a classroom of ākonga who have both similarities and differences. Throughout these learning experiences, ākonga will create feathers to be woven into the class kākahu resulting in a shared piece of art to reflect our collective identity.

Ākonga are encouraged to think about their strengths and find others with similar strengths. Ākonga learn to use ‘I statements’ when talking about themselves.

WALT: Talk about our strengths and understand their value for ourselves and others.

Spend time unpacking the words identity and strengths as these are tricky concepts for some ākonga to understand. The conversations teachers have with ākonga while they are working will be meaningful.

Read and recap Tu Meke Tui

Ice breakers