Strand: Statistics Term 1

Basic Facts Drills

At the beginning of each maths session, Team Kereru will be testing themselves on their basic facts skills- using NZMaths Basic facts sheets. They will be timed for 5 minutes and need to get 100% accuracy before moving up a stage. 


The science of collecting, organising, summarising, and interpreting data.

Copy of Cultural favourites Statistical investigations

Week 3 - 7

This week, our statistical investigations continue.  Matua Atama and I are curious about your preferred food from your cultural background. We're intrigued to discover if anyone else within Team Kererū shares the same favorite.  Our data collection is scheduled for Monday, followed by analysis and interpretation of our findings. We'll then present the results once the process is complete.

One of the activities in our maths tumbles this week involves tackling the Statistical Investigation Challenges.  Apply the knowledge you've acquired over the past two weeks to successfully complete them.  Are you ready to take on the challenge?

Statistical investigations Challenges

Watch this video if you need some extra support to solidify your statistical knowledge.  

Statistics Week 2 

L2-3 Statistical investigations

WALT Conduct a statistical investigation, collecting, sorting, analysing and presenting data; based on CULTURES REPRESENTED  IN TEAM KERERU

Copy of L3 Statistics Matrices and Book activities