Virtual Tutorials

Use the tabs above on the banner for navigation through this tutorial Site. The tutorial website mission statement can be read below. Please reach out for help using the Form on the final tab above or by reaching out directly to a member of the tech team.

Mission Statement: This website is intended to provide trainings and professional development to GRPS teachers on helpful apps for best practices. Many of the apps provide unique offerings helpful in differentiating instruction and achieving best practices during virtual schooling, but also transfer over as effective tools in the traditional classroom. It is the mission of this site not to ask for teachers to redefine what they do, but rather to offer assistance in helping teachers more efficiently and effectively do what they are already doing, which is offering Glen Ridge students the most effective instruction.

Along with tutorials on the Google Suite products, there is more depth on tools identified by staff members as being beneficial for best practices (located under the "Best Practices Tech Tutorials" tab). There are extended tutorials under the tabs associated with younger students and upper level learners. The desire is for these tech tutorials to be a strong starting point for anyone interested in helpful apps, with simplicity and flexibility being the key. The final tab on the top navigation bar directs users to a Bootcamp Request Form, which can be used to schedule an appointment to gain further assistance in any area of desire. While the highlighted apps are those under examination by the TI team, we would strive to assist with anything you may potentially find helpful.

Good luck, and happy learning!