For Students

Reflection Questions

please consider these throughout the length of the study

  1. How are your interactions with your parents regarding grades? Is there a difference between digital and face-to-face?
  2. How healthy are your uses of the online gradebook?
  3. What would your school experience be like if you focused on the process of learning without energy focused on the outcome (grades)?
  4. What is the right balance between parental support versus your autonomy and self-advocacy?
  5. How do you feel when you are connected to your device constantly? What is a healthy level?
  6. What are the major causes of distraction and stress for you? Which ones are "good" sources stress? Which ones are "not so good"? Who do you talk to about these areas?
  7. What strategies do you use to regain focus when you become distracted?
  8. What strategies do you use to recenter and refocus when you become stressed?

Gradebook Challenge

During this four week study, we encourage you to take part in the following gradebook challenge with your parent(s)/guardian(s).

Challenge One: Have a discussion with your parent/guardian about your overall past experience with the gradebook during the school day: student-to-self (personal), student-to-student (peer to peer), student-to-parent, and general observations.

Challenge Two: During the first week of the study, commit to a digital detox together such as more face-to-face than text communications, technology-free times, and no gradebook access for the first week until the weekend when it is done together.

Challenge Three: Discuss with your parent/guardian how you want them to use the gradebook, how you want them to interact with you about grades, and what you need. Determine a mutual understanding of how to best support each other's needs surrounding the gradebook: number of times it is checked, mobile notifications, email notifications, how to communicate concerns, mutually agreed upon parameters, etc.

Challenge Four: Work with your parent/guardian on a time that you will sit down with them to show them your grades and discuss what is in the gradebook.

Challenge Five: Have weekly conversations during the four weeks about any noticeable differences in focus, stress, and relationships during this time in relation to the gradebook.

Challenge Six: At the end of the study, create and commit to a plan of action for how to effectively use gradebook access to maximize learning.