For Staff

Reflection Questions

please consider these throughout the length of the study

  1. How often do you enter a grade in the gradebook before sharing it face-to-face with students?
  2. What are ways we can and do help students to utilize gradebook access in healthy, meaningful ways?
  3. How does gradebook access during the school day impact your classroom? discussions with students? with parents
  4. What are the benefits of student and parent gradebook access during the school day? What are the drawbacks?
  5. What is it like for you when a student(s) get a grade notification or view the gradebook during class?

Gradebook Challenge

During this four week study, we encourage you to take part in the following gradebook challenge.

Challenge One: Have a discussion with your class about their overall experience with the gradebook during the school day: student-to-self (personal), student-to-student (peer to peer), student-to-parent, and general observations.

Challenge Two: Attempt to enter grades in the gradebook only after students have seen it or reviewed it during class IF AND WHEN logistically feasible.

Challenge Three: During the first week of the study, consider a class-wide digital detoxification or help students understand the importance of meaningful screen time by sharing explicitly why technology is being used during class.

Challenge Four: Engage in mindfulness experiences with your class. Share strategies for mindfulness that help students manage distraction and stress that you use successfully in your own life.

Challenge Five: Check in with your students on any noticeable differences in focus, stress, and relationship during this study in relation to the gradebook.

Challenge Six: At the end of the study, determine a classroom philosophy and support structure for how the gradebook is used in a meaningful, healthy way during your class.