
former GBN debaters Say:

“Debate has enabled me to learn about many current issues as well as complicated philosophy”

-Jason Hirshman class of 2012 (Stanford University)

“If you ever want to argue politics with Flynn Makuch, be warned: She'll mop the floor with you…one of the top debaters at Glenbrook North High School, a forensics powerhouse…She can pile fact upon fact until your creaky claims are rubble. Then she'll turn around and cold-bloodedly refute everything she just said.”

-Chicago Tribune article about Flynn Makuch class of 2010 (Near full debate scholarship to the University of Texas)

“Debate has made me a much better researcher and made my other classes substantially easier”

-Rachel Boroditsky class of 2012 (Northwestern)

“Debate has been one of the most fulfilling experiences of my life”

-Alex Pappas class of 2011 (Near full debate scholarship to University of Michigan)

“Debate has exposed me to a wide range of exciting people, places, and ideas”

-Mitchell Hochberg class of 2011 (School of Foreign Service – Georgetown University)

“Debate has improved my vocabulary and writing immensely which has helped in all my classes. The researching and literature we are exposed to opens every student’s eyes to a litany of topics.”

-Vicky Stavropoulos class of 2012 (University of Chicago)

“…I gained invaluable research, public speaking, and critical thinking skills. I also became part of a unique national community that fosters lifelong friendships and career opportunities. I can confidently say that I would not be where I am today without my involvement with GBN debate.”

–Alexis Shklar class of 2010 (Presidential Debate Scholarship at Wake Forest)