[P]rehab Resources

[P]rehab Resources Summary

Chain of Command for Successfully Navigating Through Injury Related Issues:

Event Coach > Head Coach > Athletic Trainer > "[P]rehab Resources" > Athletic Trainer > Dr./PT/Other

1- Always notify BOTH your event coach and head coach of any issues of discomfort, pain etc... as soon as you experience symptoms.  Do not wait until the next rep, next drill or the next day.

2- Coaches will send you to the athletic trainers for further evaluation.  Follow all guidelines, restrictions and prescribed exercises provided by our athletic trainers.

3- Further evaluation may require regularly physical therapy sessions.  Any time you see our trainers, a doctor, PT specialist etc... you must provide a note that gives clearance to participate with or without specified restrictions.

4- Pictured below is a summary of the most common injuries that occur in our sport.  These exercises can be used as both strength and restorative practices on a daily basis.  Consider adding these exercises to your daily training as warm up activities, strength work and/or crossing training.  Scan the QR code with your phone to access the info.

Hip Activation

Hip Stretching


Plantar Fasciitis


PFS (Knee Pain)

ITB Syndrome