

Check here for weekly information including change in schedules


There is no activity bus 9/22/23.



A meet availability form has been posted under the "Meets" tab. Please fill this out for your athlete ASAP. 

Also can check sign up lists for those who have signed up

Activity Bus

The Activity Bus runs on Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. *

NOTE: Activity Bus does not start until Monday 9/11

 *NO activity bus on Thursdays or the day before a holiday or school closure. Keep in mind...this is true with a Monday closure...that means no Activity Bus on the Friday prior.

Volunteers needed to help with races that we host at Smith.

If your schedule allows we need to have volunteers in order to have safe and orderly home meets. The areas we need help with finish line at least 2. Also 4 spots where runners cross the driveway/road and parking lot during race (this would entail not having them cross in front of a car or holding traffic for a short period and help direct runners on which direction to run (even though we will run the course in practice some will not pay attention)

Volunteers help us to hold a quick and safe race, most areas for volunteers you will be able to watch your son or daughter go by two or three times.

If you can volunteer I have Coach Tom coordinating volunteers so if you can help respond to him at: cieslowskit@gmail.com


Thank you

Contact Coach Tom: cieslowskit@gmail.com

First Practice Date

Practice is scheduled until 4:30, most will be ready for pickup by 4:15 unless they are doing a longer run. Students taking the activity bus will finish earlier and will be escorted to the bus. Students will be by the front entrance of the school for pickup for the first few weeks. Once we move to running on the trails you can pickup down by the trails by the baseball field (this will keep you out the traffic once other clubs start)

Early Release Days: Practice will be 1:15 pm to 3:15 pm. This is on the website but you might not have noticed it.

If practice is ever cancelled for whatever reason I will post it across the top of the home page of our website as well as in announcements. An Annoucement will be made in school and I will attempt a group email blast.

Please check announcements daily for anything new. 

You must have completed online Registration and sent Physical in order to practice

Reminder once you register online you MUST also email your physical

Meet Schedule:

The meet schedule is posted under Schedule.

Check your registration status on Registration and Forms Page