Classroom Info

Daily Schedule

  • Math
  • Writing
  • Social Studies/Science
  • Lunch
  • Recess
  • Word Study/Second Step
  • Intervention Block
  • Spanish/M,T,TH
  • Snack
  • Reading

Suggestions for Supporting your Child

The classroom is a busy place. We are in transition right now from summer fun to work. The best support you can give your child right now is helping them with a positive attitude towards this new environment. Third Grade is a great learning year for your child. Let's team together to make this happen. Please call me or send a brief email when things seem out of sorts for your child. This can help me understand behavior and act in a supportive way.

Home to School Folder/Homework

Homework is given Monday through Thursday. I expect your child to read than 20 minutes each night. As the school year progresses reading time will increase to 25 minutes. A typical night of homework is reading, and math, spelling or handwriting. Homework should take no more than 40 minutes (that includes reading). If homework gets too stressful, put it down. Please write a note on the math sheet and I will work with the student in the classroom.


There will be an opportunity to eat snack in the afternoon. I encourage you to pack snacks that are healthy and easy for your child to manage.


Birthdays are celebrated at snack time. We sing the birthday song, This is a special way to show each child how much they are appreciated. The children get to sit in a special chair each day. We also will

Behavior Expectations

We have classroom rules. When the rules are broken, we discuss and restart. If something more serious arises, you will see a RATS sheet come home that will explain what happened. This will need to be signed by you. Thanks for your support on this. We work as a team and family. I am always trying to encourage respectful behavior at all times. This is a good lesson, to be respectful when some is and isn't watching.