About Me!

This is my SEVENTH YEAR at Hopewell School and FIRST YEAR at Nayaug School.  I love teaching music!  Here's some things you may not know about me!

I grew up in NAVY family.  My dad and mom both served and it gave our family a chance to live in new places.  I was born in Hawaii and went to high school in Japan!  I love meeting new people and traveling to new places!

After college, I met Mr. Norman who was serving in the Navy.  We continued to travel all over the United States!  We have 2 children- Genny and Andrew. Both have graduated from Glastonbury High School!!

I currently have THREE Fur babies- Henry the cat, Kayla the dog and Strider the horse.  I LOVE ANIMALS! 

I love music and studied music at Mount Union College, Old Dominion University, George Mason University and UCONN.   I enjoy going to see Opera, Musical Theater and live bands of all styles of music!

I sing and tour with the Hartford Chorale!  This is a choral group of over 100 singers.  We have concerts all over the Hartford area and even tour in other countries.  Our last trip had us singing in Prague, Czech Republic,  Vienna, Austria and Budapest, Hungary.  We are planning our next trip in 2025.  This year we will join the Hartford Symphony for their Halloween Concert!