What is "School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports?"

PROACTIVE - Trying to prevent inappropriate behaviors by putting procedures in place and, if needed, changing the environment.

EDUCATIONAL - Teaching students what we expect of them. Teaching our students the rules for specific settings (cafeteria, halls, classroom).

REINFORCEMENT BASED - Giving students rewards when they model the school expectations and when they follow the school rules.

NEGATIVE CONSEQUENCES ARE STILL GIVEN FOR INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR - We want the consequences to change the student's behavior so the student does not display the same negative behavior again.


Students can earn "Trojan Bucks" for demonstrating positive behavior in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, etc. Students can demonstrate P.R.I.D.E. in many ways:

POSITIVE ATTITUDE by helping others and treating people with kindness,

RESPECTFUL by being courteous and following the school rules with dignity,

INVOLVED by investing effort in work and actively participating in class and school functions,

DEPENDABLE by being on time and prepared for class, working hard even when nobody is watching,

EMPATHETIC by helping other students or adults in the building or contributing to improve someone else's situation.

School Store

Earn "Trojan Bucks" for positive behavior and spend them on rewards at the school store!

PRIDE Referrals

Write somebody up for their positive behavior!

Quarterly Rewards

Earn "Trojan Bucks" and stay out of trouble and you'll get to participate in a quarterly Movie Day!