Greater Johnstown Athletic Department

Athletic Director: Mr. Kerry Pfeil, CAA

814-533-5601 ext:  5921

Principal:  Mr. William Cacciotti


Secretary Athletics: Mrs. Cecelia Romesberg

814-533-5601 ext:  5920

Athletic Trainer:  Mr. Christopher Verbano

814-533-5601 ext:  5972


The Greater Johnstown School District offers 15 Varsity Sports. The Greater Johnstown School District also offers 5 different areas within the Music Department

Athletics at Greater Johnstown is one of the largest educational programs offered.  We value our coaches and advisors role in this program as we engage our students in health, wellness, academics, teamwork skills, leadership, character skills, social relationships, time management, persistence, patience, practice, accountability, and responsibility.  Most importantly our students, coaches, advisors, faculty, and staff are representatives of the community of Johnstown. 

The Greater Johnstown School District Athletics Department strives to provide an environment that compliments and enriches the overall quality of all students' educational experiences.  We put emphasis on creating a sense of commitment and teamwork, while developing personal character and maintaining an environment that values cultural diversity and gender equality amount our student athletes and staff.                                                                                                                                                           

The Athletic Department strives to achieve the same standards of excellence in our athletic program that exist within the District's Academic Program.  We strive to serve the District, students, alumni and friends of the Johnstown Trojans.