
Here a just a few resources I have found. If you find anything amazing that would be a great resource to other parents, let me know and I will add it to this page! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe and healthy. I miss you terribly.

RLO Early Language Skills page.pdf

Playing with your child is a great way to elicit language skills. This resource is a great read on how to work on language skills during play!


If you are in need of low tech form of communication, please print out this Core Board to use at home! Printing it out in color is best if you are able to, if not black and white is fine! You could even color in the squares with a crayon. You will need to MODEL, MODEL, MODEL constantly before any time of spontaneous attempt will occur. This is a great way for you and your child to start communicating together at home!

                    • Ms. Tasha
Copy of April 2020 Beginner AAC Calendar.pdf

These sentence strips are great to use throughout the house. Print out pictures of things your child may ask for and have them readily available. Then, you can help model as they are requesting.

                    • Ms. Tasha
At home learning.pdf