School Dog

We now have a facility dog (in training)! River was born in February of 2022 and was selected for working in the school setting based on an evaluation of his litter by a team of service dog trainers. He is 80% poodle, 10% golden retriever, and 10% Labrador retriever and will grow to about 45lbs. He lives with me and I am his handler at school. We are working with Assistance Canines to train River to support students in the school setting. This project has been a dream of mine and a long time in the making. A huge thank you to Autumn Ferrian, the owner of Sunnny Doodles who donated River for the purpose of being a facility dog. She took extra care in selecting his parents based on their temperament and raising the litter with an advanced puppy curriculum to give them the best chance at success in therapy work. She has entrusted us with her first donation puppy of the Sunny Schools project. I can't wait to see where this journey takes us. You can follow along with River's journey on his instagram @BoulderCreekDoodleÂ