7th Grade Blue Team Info

Mrs. Cohn

Honors Math and Regular Math

Mrs. Dempsey

Intervention Specialist

Ms. Kyser

Honors Language Arts and Regular Language Arts

Mr. Sledge

Social Studies

Ms. Wiemken


State Testing Information

We wanted to get some basic information to you about state testing that will be beginning right after spring break! Spring break ends April 11th & classes resume April 12th. Dates below are testing dates, all other school days will be normal “in-person”/zoom schedules.

ALL STUDENTS WILL BE COMING INTO THE BUILDINGS TO TEST ON THE DATES BELOW. Our schedule allows for very small groups for testing. Please see the information below about your child’s testing schedule.

Group C Students (students who are fully virtual): All group C students MUST come into the building on Wednesday, April 14th and Wednesday April 28th to take the state tests. They must bring chromebooks and will be fed lunch. Information about specific testing times and transportation will be sent soon.

Group A Students (Monday & Tuesday “In-Person”): You will be testing on April 19, 20, 26, 27. Continue coming to the building on your normal days.

Group B Students (Thursday & Friday “In-Person”): You will be testing on April 22, 23, 29, 30. Continue coming to the building on your normal days.

Have a great Spring Break!

Welcome Back Hybrid Students!

  • Group A- Monday & Tuesday - In-person, Weds- Asynchronous, Thurs/Fri- Zoom classes

  • Group B- Monday & Tuesday - Zoom classes, Weds- Asynchronous, Thurs/Fri- In-Person

  • Group C- Same Schedule as now (staying fully remote)

  • BRING: Fully charged chromebook

    1. We have very few plugs in the building because it is so old, so it will be impossible to charge them here. We plan to keep all the work on the computers, so kids will need them charged and ready to go every day.

  • BRING: Mask, Chromebook charger, pencils, notebook, folder

    1. Students will be allowed to carry their backpack during the day to protect chromebooks


  1. Grade Checking: Students should know how to check their grades on the Chromebooks if you ask them to “show you their grades in ProgressBook”. If you need help, here is a quick video that shows you how.

    1. Checking grades (2 min video)

  2. Inquiry Class for Extra Help: Every student who has low grades should be joining Inquiry each day. This is time for extra help from the Math, Science, Social Studies, and English teachers! We would love to see more kids attend. Students should join from 12:00-12:20 every day until their grades improve. Make sure you are joining the inquiry class where you need the most help!

Join from 12:00-12:20 for extra help in your classes

  1. Science- https://ohconnect.zoom.us/j/92940542087

  2. ELA- https://ohconnect.zoom.us/j/99409195347

  3. Math- https://ohconnect.zoom.us/j/91771845741

  4. Social Studies- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81635004100?pwd=NWRNS3pPNFVwa2RSSzdxUnFORGt6Zz09 (Password: Sledge)


Here are some team updates!

  1. Zoom Attendance: Students must be present and working during the entire class to get credit for being there. This means having cameras ON and completing the work we have assigned. We are having more and more issues with students refusing to turn their cameras on, leaving part way through the class, or logging in and then not doing any work. You will be marked absent for this behavior. If you are having internet trouble, email us, so we know you aren’t just skipping class. Please talk to your children about having their cameras on and completing their work.

  2. Grades & Missing Work: Teachers have started entering grades into the gradebook and we have a LOT of missing assignments. These are being marked as zeroes and are really hurting a lot of people’s grades.

    1. Checking the gradebook: Click HERE

    2. Setting up gradebook alerts: Click HERE (you will need parent access, email me if you don’t know how to setup your account or forgot your progressbook username/password)

  3. Inquiry Class: All students have Inquiry Class during 5th period from 12:00-12:20. This is a time for students to get extra help in their core classes. This is the best time to ask questions and get individual help. Your teachers are there every single day and will be able to help you with any question big or small. You can stay the whole time or pop on for 5 minutes to ask a quick question.

Students and Parents,

In an effort to make online learning more simple, we have created this "one stop shop" to help keep all of your assignments organized.

We would like to see every student checking these places DAILY! Your teachers are trying to communicate with you, but if you aren't checking in then it won't work.

  1. Student Emails- Check and respond to emails (delete old emails to clear things up)

  2. Google Classroom- Check ALL classes & ask your teachers questions (Look on the "stream" and "classwork" page for announcements and assignments)

  3. ProgressBook- We are updating grades so make sure you're turning your work in.

How are you doing?

Please reach out if you need ANYTHING while we are all learning from home. Your teachers, guidance counselors, and principals are all still here for you. All you have to do is shoot us an email and you will be able to talk to us.