Mental Health

School Based Mental Health Matters

The mental health of our students' is very important for learning and overall well-being.

In GGUSD, each school has access to direct school-based mental health counseling.

GGUSD School Based Mental Health Overview

GGUSD Mental Health Overview-2.pdf

School Based Mental Health Services

Each GGUSD has school based mental health support.

The direct providers at schools are counselors, psychologists, social workers, mental health specialists and contacted agencies.

Tier 1 Strategies

Classroom Check-ins

Mental Health Crisis Card

Student Lessons

Mental Health Awareness

Choose Wellness Campaign

Suicide Prevention

Tier 2 Strategies

Wellness Check-ins

Counseling Groups

Coping Skills / SEL groups

Individual Counseling

Tier 3 Strategies

Intensive Individual Counseling

Family Counseling

Crisis Support

Community Support Referrals

Case Management

Assigned Provider - School Based Mental Health

ASPIRE Provider by Assigned School

ASPIRE Assignments by School 7.21.22.pdf

Referrals Forms - School Based Mental Health

GGUSD is using a Google Referral Form dor SBMH. Please see your school's ASPIRE team or your school's administrator to access the Referral Form.

Consent Forms - School Based Mental Health

Need More Support for Mental Health?

When additional school-based mental health services may be needed to support students take these steps:

1) Gather your mental health team to discuss your ideas about the increase/ your data.

2) A school mental health team may include other administrators, counselors, psychologists, social workers, community partners, etc.

3) Determine if students may be grouped together or graduated from counseling.

4) Contact Jeff Layland, in Student Services about purchasing additional hours with site funds or x6391.

Community Mental Health Support

Care Solace

Care Solace provides direct assistance for finding the right mental health support for you. A Care Solace team member will support you in every step of the process from screening mental health providers by location or type of support to booking your first appointment. Email, call or visit Care Solace's website to get started finding the right mental health support for you, a child or a family member.


Phone: 888-515-0595

Website Click Here


OC-LINKS provides one-on-one support to support you with information and referrals for behavioral and mental health services in Orange County. A phone call is the preferred over an email. OC-LINKS provides language support.

Phone: 855-625-4657

Website Click Here

Mental Health Trainings for Schools

RESET Toolbox

Thanks to the funding through Orange County Health Care Agency, Western Youth Services (WYS) is able to collaborate with CHOC and Orange County Department of Education (OCDE) to provide free mental trainings. Some areas of training include:

  • Suicide Prevention

  • Mental Health First Aid

  • Trauma-Informed Care

  • Self-Care for Professionals

  • Recognizing and Responding to Client Needs

  • LGBTQ+ Training

  • Improving Family Communications

  • Multi-Cultural Mental Health Training

  • Building Trauma-Informed School Communities

GGUSD Mental Health Crisis Card

GGUSD Mental Health Crisis Card 20-21 Final.pdf