Harlem Renaissance

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance

Your next project is a brief introduction to the Harlem Renaissance and one of its most famous poets, Langston Hughes. Here are the guidelines for writing your “mini” research paper. You will have some time in class to work on this activity, but you will need to complete it outside of the classroom (the computers in my room are available before and after school).

1. Begin by browsing the sites below, and taking notes (on paper) about the Harlem Renaissance, Langston Hughes, and one of Hughes' poems.

Sites for Hughes

Sites for Harlem Renaissance

2. After taking notes (which you will attach to the back of your rough draft), write in your own words (do not plagiarize):

  1. One introductory paragraph.
  2. Two paragraphs about the Harlem Renaissance.
  3. Two paragraphs about Langston Hughes.
  4. Copy the Langston Hughes poem you are going to discuss.
  5. Two paragraphs analyzing the poem. Get ideas from the link here: (http://library.thinkquest.org/23846/writing_guide/poetry.html)
  6. One concluding paragraph.
  7. Bibliography (works cited) page (use http://www.easybib.com/)

The rough draft is due __________. It may be written by hand or typed. If it is typed, please double-space the lines and use 12-point font for the text.

3. The final draft will need an artistic cover page with the title, your name, date and period number in the lower right-hand corner, and artwork, and a blank back page for professionalism.

Langston Hughes and the Harlem Renaissance Grading Criteria

Rough Draft (30) _____

Final Draft:

Cover Page (with art or picture, color) (5) ____

Introduction (5) ____

Two paragraphs Langston Hughes ____

Two paragraphs The Harlem Renaissance (5) ____

Poem (5) ____

Two paragraph analysis of poem (5) ____

Conclusion (5) ____

Spelling/Mechanics (5) ____

Bibliography (5) ____

Blank Back Page (5) ____

Total= ______

Grade Scale 50-45=A, 44-40=B, 39-35=C, 34-30=D